Coaching is unique in its ability to guide leaders in their choices of how to be most effective. This has never been more necessary than in this complex and uncertain time in global history. For many organisations, this will be a moment of truth.
In the face of overwhelming responsibility and exceedingly hard trade-off’s, it is vital for leaders to be balanced, have perspective and prioritise what matters.
Building off the Leadership in Seismic Shifts webinar series, we are offering a high-impact, six-session, virtual coaching package. The content of these sessions is based on the science of leading and managing complex adaptive systems.
These one-on-one sessions will investigate:
Building internal resources and empathy in the system
Connecting with your mission and setting an operating mode
Zooming out and prioritising what matters most
Communication and management of expectations
Building a flexible operating system that delivers resilience for the future
Six hours of your time
Please contact us for updated pricing